People who don’t know him personally can still tell he's nice from my previous blog posts. He was actually well recognized, signed and approved by my clique. Rather impressive given the fact that my girlfriends and I are pretty much demanding, difficult and fault finding that kinda. Although shit happens, we are still friends now :)
List below is basically why I think he was a good boyfriend, which is also the checklist I used on "candidates" applying for the “official boyfriend” position. I’ve met guys but feel that none of them is appropriate. Most points are actually overlapping and judging from the list, I don’t think I can find one any time soon. *Shrugs.
- Loves me
- Tolerance level of beyond god-mode
- Never mad at me no matter what wrong or silly stuff I’ve done
- Never mad at me for doing things intentionally that is out to annoy him for fun :)
- Understands me more than myself
- Knowledgeable-someone who I can learn new things from
- Able to solve my silly little problems
- Understands that my "common sense" is different from the norm-Yes, fuck my logic sometimes
- Understands the fact that a tired/sleepy me is a whiny me
- Understands the fact that a hungry me is an angry me
- Knows the definition of good food and all my favourite food!
- Surprises me occasionally with my favourite food
- Able to bring me to new places for awesomesauce food
- Food, food and food